A copy of the Electric Board’s Schedule of Rules and Regulations together with a copy of the Distributor’s Schedule of Rates and Charges are open for inspection at the office located at 721 Jackson Avenue South, Russellville, Al 35653 during normal business hours.

Electric Department of Russellville Rate Summary

Effective 2025-02-01 12:00:00

Residential (RS): All residential accounts
1. Customer Charge $ 19.88
2. Energy Charge $ 0.11778
Small Commercial (GSA-1): 50kw or less and/or 15,000 kwh or less usage
Customer Charge $ 26.03
Energy Charge $ 0.13453
Large Commercial (GSA-2): >50 kw but < 1000 kw or > 15,000 kwh in last 12 months
1. Customer Charge $ 130.13
2. Demand Charge:
a. 0-50 kw
b. 51-1000 kw

$ 0.00
$ 17.03
3. Energy Charge:
a. 0-15,000 kwh
b. Over 15,000 kwh

$ 0.13612
$ 0.07589
Large Commercial (GSA-3): > 1000 kw and < 5000 kw in past 12 months.
1. Customer Charge $ 373.65
2. Demand Charge:
a. 0-1,000 kw
b. 1,001-5,000 kw

$ 15.85
$ 15.60
3. Energy Charge: $0.07874
Large Manufacturing (TDMSA): 1,000-5,000 kW
1. Customer Charge $ 1,500.00
2. Admin Charge:
$ 350.00
3. On Peak kW: $10.19
4. Max kW: $3.78
5. Off Peak kW: $10.19
6. On Peak kWh: $0.07211
7. Off Peak kWh
a. First 200
b. Next 200

8. Off Peak kWh - Additional: $0.02421
Outdoor Lighting: Individual Street and Security Lighting
1. Energy Charge per rated KWH of light of lamp (refer to Outdoor lighting schedule) $ 0.08191
Note: All Commercial Bills are subject to a minimum bill routine. All demands are subject to the amount of the contract demand and/or the highest demand established during the past 12 months. For further details about minimum routines and determination of demands, or any other questions about rates please refer to the official rate structure adopted by the Russellville Electric Board.

All rates above reflect the "ENVIRONMENTAL ADJUSTMENT" as referred to in the adjustment addendum attached to the Schedule of Charges for Russellville Electric Board effective 10/01/03 submitted by TVA.

GSA3 rate class Eligibility Requirements:
Delivery points served under Part 3 of either Schedule GSA or TGSA, or Schedule MSA
Major use of electricity for activities are classified with SIC does 20 through 39, or 2002 NAICS code 5181, or 2007 NAICS codes 5182, 522320, and 541214

General Manufacturing Credit:
For each month in which an eligible customer has a metered demand that exceeds 1,000 kW**, the General Manufacturing Credit is calculated as:
General Manufacturing Credit = ($1.38 x 1,000 kW) + ($1.63 x (metered kW - 1,000 kW)) + (1.076¢ x firm billing kWh)

Outdoor Security Lights:
$500 upfront fee required to be paid before installation of a new outdoor security light. If a pole is already in place, and a new pole is not needed, the upfront charge drops to $350. Pole rental added to each monthly bill is $2. Three year contract is required to be signed before new security light is installed.

Retail Rate Increases:
July 2022 - 3.1% increase spread evenly across all standard service classes - below guideline amount approved by TVA on 4/28/22

Schedule of Rules and Regulations

Information to Customers

The Schedule of Rules and Regulations is a part of all contracts for receiving electric service from Distributor and applies to all service received from Distributor, whether the service is based upon contract, agreement, signed application, or otherwise.

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TVA Regulatory Briefs

Government Penalty Exemptions

The wholesale power contract between TVA and each local power company (LPC) requires the uniform application, within the classes of consumers, of the provisions of the resale rate schedules, including the provisions addressing late fees.

Get The PDF

Under billing and Overbilling Considerations

In accordance with the TVA Act and the wholesale power contract between local power companies (LPCs) and TVA, the LPC has agreed that the power purchased from TVA is sold to the enduse customer without discrimination among customers of the same class, and no discriminatory rate, rebate, or special concession will be given to a customer.

Get The PDF

Be sure to contact Customer Service with any questions or concerns regarding your account.

(256) 332-3850

For after hours and Emergencies call the Russellville Police Department at (256) 332-2230